Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

Journaling & Podcasts & YouTube. Oh My!

Journaling & Podcasts & YouTube. Oh My!

In this blog post, I will share how journaling, reading, and listening to YouTube and Podcasts have played a role in growing in my relationship with God.

Journaling My Prayers

In week one of this month’s series, I talked about journaling what I hear in my quiet time. Journaling helps me remember what God has spoken to me after I have prayed or what He has spoken during my quiet time, especially when I can’t see the promise unfolding before my eyes in real-time.

While praying audibly or quietly creates intimacy with God, I found writing my prayers creates intimacy as well. Writing letters to God in the form of prayers is not only soothing, but it helps me keep a written record of how God has moved in my life; the lives of those I have prayed for (because I write about them too); and how God has answered some of my pressing concerns or questions.

A few years ago, during my quiet time (11.18.15), God said I would move to a particular city the following year (2016). I wrote down what God said and thought the move would happen immediately. When it didn’t, I completely blocked the move out of my mind. I never thought about the move again until God began to awaken my heart about moving the Summer of 2016.

As I packed my things and prepared to move in November of 2016, I found the sticky note I wrote the message on during my quiet time the year before. After reading the sticky note, I dropped to the floor in tears! I mean ugly crying tears! I was already having a hard time submitting to the move, but when I read the sticky note, it gave me all the courage and confidence I needed to keep moving forward. And guess what? I ended up moving to that city the exact date a year later (11.18.16). Just like God said I would!

Since then, I have posted the sticky note on my shelf of fame, as a gentle reminder, God’s promises are always Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). Whatever the Lord speaks, it will come to pass. And if you write the vision down, though it may not happen right away, it will come to pass (Isaiah 55:11; Habakkuk 2:2-3).

Podcasts, YouTube, and Books

Listening to YouTube videos, podcasts, and reading various books are other ways I grow. These avenues help me see and understand the Bible and Christianity from diverse viewpoints as well as understand practical ways to continue to live out the Christian life.

The one thing I would advise concerning different viewpoints is to listen to what the person is saying and make sure it lines up with God’s word. I don’t want you to be carried away by various doctrines (Hebrews 13:9; Ephesians 4:14). Talk to God about what you have heard and ask for a deeper understanding and revelation (revealing) of what they are teaching.

Here are a few people I am currently listening to and reading their books:

  • Darius Daniels and Sara Jakes Roberts- YouTube

  • Axis - Podcast with Anna Light and Erin Simms

  • Spiritual Leadership- a book by J. Oswald Sanders

  • The Seer And Prophecy - a book by Fred L. Raymond

I pray after reading this week’s post, you will find a new way to grow through journaling, watching sermons via YouTube, and listening to podcasts or reading various books written by Christian authors and leaders.

If you have any questions or prayer requests, please click the contact button below.

Until next week, may you write, read, and listen as you grow in Christ!

Be Encouraged! 

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