Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

Jesus Is On The Mainline: The 6 Steps of Prayer

Jesus Is On The Mainline: The 6 Steps of Prayer

Prayer is one of the first things we learn to do as Christians i.e. the Prayer of Salvation. I like to associate prayer with being God's direct phone line. While writing this week's post, I was reminded of an old church melody, Jesus Is On The Mainline.

The song goes like this, 🎶"Jesus is on the mainline, tell ‘em what you want. Jesus! Is on the mainline, tell ‘em what you waaaant. Oh, call ‘em up an tell ‘em whaaaat you waaaant”, 🎶I love that song!

Give me a good church clap, a good organ, a worn-out wooden church floor with red cushioned wooden pews, and some church shoes. I will go to town with my southern drawl and all. Whew, chile!!

Even before we call the mainline, God answers. And while we are praying, He answers our prayers (Isaiah 65:24; Jeremiah 29:12-14; Jeremiah 33:3). Prayer not only creates intimacy with God, but our life and relationship with God are contingent on our prayers. 

Prayer is something that can be done continuously at any time of day. We don't have to wait to pray when things are bad, but when things are good too (Philippians 4:6-7). Praying is like talking to a best friend at a coffee shop, but this best friend has a proven record of keeping secrets. We can talk to Him about anything.

Prayer shifts atmospheres, situations, and the hearts of men. Prayer brings healing and changes the trajectory of things in general. Prayer, like the Bible, is a great weapon to use against the enemy. Prayer helps us see clearly and with the right perspective. Prayer also solidifies direction for us.

Throughout the Bible, we see instances where people used prayer as a way to communicate with God as well. The people sought God for direction, miracles, healing, strategy, security, leadership, and trust for the future, among other things.

Throughout the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), in The New Testament, we see many accounts where Jesus took time to pray and talk to the Father (God). Now, if people in the Old and New Testament and Jesus took time to pray to connect with God, we should too.

If you are feeling a little uncertain about how to pray, have no fear. Jesus left us a six step model (The Lord’s Prayer) on how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13.

  1. Our Father Who is in Heaven Hallowed be Your name (v9) – First, you want to open up in prayer by praising and worshiping God. Thanking God for today, your life, and what He has done. You may even say things like, "Lord, I love you. You are my Savior and my protector. Thank you for Your unconditional love. You are a faithful God. Your promises will never fail." 

  2. Your Kingdom come Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven (v10) – Next, you want to pray for God's will to be done on the Earth. Pray scriptures and make declarations concerning God's promises. Pray for specific topics such as topics concerning current events in your community, city, and the world today or topics God may place on your heart to pray (that come to mind) and ask for God's perfect will to be done.

  3. Give us this day our daily bread (v11) – In this section of your prayer, you want to pray your requests. Pray first for those God has placed on your heart to pray for (that come to mind) as well as those who may have asked you to pray for them. After you pray for others pray for yourself.

  4. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us (v12) - This section is centered around forgiveness. Forgive the people who have mistreated you. Pray for and love those who spitefully use you (Matthew 5:44). If you can't forgive, ask God to give you the strength to forgive. When we forgive others, God forgives us (Matthew 6:14-15).

    Forgiveness is not for the people who mistreat you. Forgiveness is for you. Holding bitterness, grudges, and hate in your heart (roots of unforgiveness) can lead to sickness and disease. Trust me I know. I used to hold a grudge so tight I could squeeze a dollar out of a penny!

    Subsequently, ask for the forgiveness of your sins. When we confess our sins, God will forgive us (1 John 1:9). Lastly, forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself frees you from the torment of guilt and shame.

  5. And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one (v13) – In this particular section, pray for protection and the strength to stay away from temptation. After praying for protection, I declare I walk with the Armor of God by reading the following scriptures, Ephesians 6:10-11 & 13-19. The Armor of God is the protective spiritual armor Christians put on. Maybe I'll write a blog about the Armor of God. And yes, I pray before I go to sleep with the Armor of God too. Sometimes, I need protection from my dreams!

  6. For yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever (v13) - Close by worshiping God for who He is and not for what He has done. You may say something like, "Father, you are Holy. I exalt your name on high. You are beautiful. You are the creator of all things. You are the one true living God. There is no other God like you in all the earth. You are matchless. You are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords." Then close with, "I pray all these things in Jesus' name Amen!"

You may be feeling a little overwhelmed and thinking to yourself, "I have to do all that to pray?" Have no fear. I have provided a short video on the simplicity of the Lord's Prayer HERE

Sometimes, I don't use the above method when praying. I just start talking to God as if I am having a conversation with a friend. If I am at home after I pray, I sit down and wait for God to respond.

I also try to keep a journal nearby, so I can journal what I hear. If God does not answer right away, I wait. At least, until it's time for me to go to work. Just kidding.

When God does not respond, it does not mean He is not listening or does not love us. God's silence may mean we are not ready for the answer.

I could go on and on about prayer, the different types of prayer, the intimacy prayer creates, etc. However, I want to leave you with some great resources to further understand prayer and how prayer not only develops your relationship with God but how prayer works. Please click HERE for a few resources about prayer.

I pray after reading this week’s post, you are encouraged in your prayer life, as prayer creates intimacy with God. If you have any questions or prayer requests, please click the contact link below and send me a message. While you are growing in prayer and intimacy with God, here is a little something I pray will lift your spirits!

*I do not own the rights to the video below*

How To Study The Bible

Video: The 6 Steps of Prayer