meet the writer


Raised in the weirdest city of the greatest country in America (Austin, Texas), Christina always wanted to change the world and desires not only for people to be whole – in mind, body, and soul, but invite them to know and receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Through Living The Uncommon Life, Christina seeks to encourage Christians and non-Christians to live a life uncommon to the norms of this age. A life of faith, hope, and love.

Each post intends to encourage one in their faith, renew the mind, and inspire Christians to change the world by being an example.

Questions, suggestions, and comments are always welcome. Most importantly, Christina loves praying for others. You don’t have to be a Christian to ask for or receive prayer. So, feel free to send your prayer requests, questions, and suggestions by clicking the contact tab below.

And… Since sharing is caring, remember to share Living The Uncommon Life with others.

Now that you know a little bit about Christina and what Living The Uncommon Life is about, let’s start living the Uncommon Life!

Be Encouraged!