Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.



I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…

Wait! Let me start over.

Ugh hmm (clears throat)

I pledge grievance!… To the crooked flag of the Broken States of America. And to the Republic for which it does not stand, because its up in flames like a corpse in a fiery furnace. Just dead with no breathe or depth of the reality he swore at his Ignorantation Ceremony that he would “Make America Great Again”. Only proving we are not one Nation under God.

Question America… were we all drunk off Colt 45 when we voted for 45? Or were we just dreaming of Florida oranges?

Anyway… Back on track. Uh one Nation under God…

Hmm. God I know you are the creator of time, so could we just jump to November 3rd of 2020? We are in need of an attitude adjustment. Some rebranding. Cause our enemies are ready to rape us of the dignity we have left as a nation…


And I’ve digressed. Focus Christina the pledge is only five lines long…

One Nation under God. Indivisible…

Wait Nope! Divisible!

Where tax cuts cut the poor and heal the rich. Where segregation was the way of life and desegregation boils down to… “Oh mom do we have to?”

Where black lives do not matter and apparently kids lives don’t matter either. Blue lives well, they sort of matter, and white lives always seem to matter

Save the great white hope and dismantle the minority, i.e. women and any one with a high concentration of melanin.

We steal land, claim it as our own. Steal people to build it and never reprimand their worth.

Where we destroy nations causing their people to flee, but never invite them to come have a seat at our stolen tables.

The only country that considers the displacement of its own people, refugees…

Yep! Divisible.



Let me try to stay on track. Now where was I?

Oh yeah! With liberty and justice… I can’t say it…With liberty and justice… uh still can’t say it… Whoo! With liberty and justice…

Okay I’m just going to say it. With liberty and justice NOT for all!

With modernized slave institutions where sentences are on a color scale of pale peach to the blacker the berry the sweeter the sentence, I mean juice. AKA, death penalty without bail or trial.

And while white privilege has you sitting high on skyscrapers, minorities sit at the ledge contemplating their worth. Feeling like a Hebrew, Transatlantic slave, at your expense.

Where minorities can’t even get on the scales of equality because we are too busy still trying to get a piece of that pie… or waffle rather, just so we can have some weight.

Where the liberty of our freedom of speech is too aggressively offensive to authority because it cuts like a triple edge sword (You’ll get that later).

Needless to say if this were second grade and I had to recite this to my teacher for a grade, I would hope my teacher were Angela Rye. But if its Elisabeth DeVos I should just kiss my education goodbye, because I have failed this presentation, with no shame!

Maybe I’ll get it right next time or perhaps, maybe… next time America…

You'll do better!


Until next time, here's a little extra bonus. Enjoy!

In almost 50 years the conversation still has not changed.

(I do not own the rights to this video)



Spoken Word Series

Spoken Word Series