Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.



I hope you enjoyed cerebrating Juneteenth, whether for the first time or the 100th time, I hope you celebrated well.

This week’s post I must warn, has some offensive language in it, but there is a message behind it, especially for the African American race. I am not asking you to agree, I just ask that you read the post all the way through.



Wudup my Niggas! Say Whaa? Yeah I said it, Niggas!… I mean isn’t that what y’all like to be called? How you like to be addressed? I mean don’t get me wrong, I used to use the word too. Then one day I decided to look up the definition. Come to find out nigger means ignorant, lazy, debased, a low-life.

I began to wonder how could my race be considered lazy and ignorant when we built this country and invented just about everything from street lights to cell phones. Yes that cultish iPhone you use was patented by a black man... Androids for Life!

But then I guess Webster realized the same thing and changed the meaning of a nigger to mean, a derogatory term to describe a black person, a member of any-dark skinned race… Light skins, you still passing…And last, but not least, a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons. As if to further inform us that we were a bunch of Niggas.

Since when has the color of our skin become a derogatory sin. Last time I checked, we were fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). And why does our skin have to be a condition of relevance or a social status? So are white people Niggers too? Cause they just as lazy and ignorant as dark skins. And what about when they get a tan? Do they become Niggas too?

We were spoken into creation by the same God that spoke “them” into existence. So who gave ‘them” the right to hit the snooze button on those with high amounts of melanin.  

Then again, can we really blame them? Now don’t get me wrong, people with less melanin, their motives, and intentions are highly questionable, but what if the issue of Niggas is based off what is spoken? Because times have slightly changed, yet we seem to re-chain ourselves to a word only created to degrade ourselves.

God says our words are powerful. They speak life and death (Proverbs 18:21). Freedom or bondage. For years a generational curse has been spoken over us. The sad thing is, instead of stepping in and breaking the curse, we’ve accepted the term clutching it as tight as a purse, just like Becky with the good hair, when she saw “them Niggas” walk by over there. We clutch tightly as if it holds all of our identity.

No! It’s not who we are! Its not our identity! Get a new song baby, because that record is broken.  Stop hitting repeat when you know you really want to change. Stop looking at it as a privilege. A badge of honor. Trust me people with low levels of melanin no longer have to use the word in hopes to despise and degrade us. We use the word to diminish our own. Unknowingly speaking death. Justifying the definition of a socially impoverished people. We are not impoverished. We are Royalty! 

WAKE UP! WAKE UUUUP! Wake up and realize whether you take off the “er” and add an “a”, that’s just a misspelled word that still has the power to misrepresent a people. Speaking laziness, worthlessness, ignorance, and social disadvantage. Death to the very progression of who we could be, who we are, and who we were always meant to be. Speaking death into the existence of our community leaving us chained, broken, and destroyed.

Stop greeting with death and greet with life like my brother AJ McQueen would say “what’s good King? Hello my beautiful Queen'". Know who you are... Who we are... Speak and bring life to who we are, to our destiny... Bring to life the greatness lying dormant within us.

But then again, you can do as you choose. And I’m going to get off my soapbox before my black card gets revoked. But please, please don’t call me a Nigga. Cause I don’t fit either definition of a Nigga!

