Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

We Are The Body

We Are The Body

Two weeks ago, I talked about the issue of segregated Sundays and how we can move towards desegregating and worshipping together as the first Christians did in Acts 2: 44-47. I even challenged you to fellowship with a different congregation without focusing on the differences or biases, but focusing on worshipping and praising God with our fellow brothers and sisters. If you took part in the challenge, feel free to share your comments below.

This week I want to focus on the body of Christ, holistically and individually.

If you are a Christian, you are part of an amazing family of believers that represent the full body of Christ in the flesh. Not only are we a full-bodied representation of Jesus Christ, but we are also all baptized with the same Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:12-11). Whether we are North Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians, Russians, South Americans, Australians, or Antarcticans, it does not matter. All that matters is if we profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we are of one Nation, one Kingdom, and one body (1 Corinthians 12:14).


Whether we belong to a big church or a small church, a storefront church, or a church the size of a college campus, our churches play a significant role in the Body of Christ. Especially when it comes to the Body of Christ, serving those beyond the church walls.

Larger churches are significant because they can provide a variety of services to a large majority. For example, when I worked as a Youth Minister at a homeless shelter, we partnered with the famous Lakewood Church and its youth program. Being in partnership with their youth program gave me a front-row seat to all the services offered by Lakewood. Their services reached from caring for the poor, orphaned, and widowed to entrepreneurialism and many other ministries offered to members and non-members. Lakewood has many resources and truly has a passion for people to thrive, and literally, live their best life.

Some smaller congregations are just as necessary. For example, there is a powerful dynamic couple who has an amazing split ministry. Even though the church is not a real store on the shopping strip, one would consider it a “storefront” because of its size, but in actuality, it's larger than life. Not only do they minister to their congregation in the mornings, but they also take their ministry on the road, and hold church services in prisons. Some Sundays one is preaching in the pulpit while the other is hitting the highway gearing up for service. They have a deep strong passion for bringing salvation to those imprisoned physically and spiritually.

Other churches may partner with amazing organizations like Compassion International, World Vision, A21, Habitat for Humanity, and many others, helping those in need, from a financial aspect.

Either way, each one of these churches and those like them, play a significant role in the Body of Christ, reaching those who otherwise may not have the resources to do so. 


In the church, there are various departments in which people serve based on their callings or gifting (1 Corinthians 12:28). For instance, there are Apostles, also referred to as pastors, preachers, ministers, fathers, and bishops. Now I’m not going to go into the doctrinal teaching of the definition of an Apostle or who has the right to be called one, but I want to show how some callings and gifting may be referred to as something else, though similar in function. Next, there are prophets, teachers, miracle and healing ministries, helping (servant) ministries, administrative teams, and those who can speak in various tongues. Everyone has their place and is graced in their respective gifts or callings, to enrich, encourage, and equip the Body of Christ.

As individuals, we are all graced to do what we have been gifted to do (1 Corinthians 12:27). If we are not in a particular ministry in the church, we are graced and gifted for those outside the church. As imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1), we are to shine like bright lights in dark places (Matthew 5:14-16). We all play a significant part in helping the Body of Christ function. Therefore, anyone, with or without a title, is important.

If we think little of who we are, because we are an eyelash and not the eye, we have missed our sole purpose for being. How would, the eye be protected if the eyelashes were not there to protect them? You see, if we don’t think we play a significant role in the Body of Christ we are fooling ourselves. So, hold your head up high eyelashes. You are just as important and as necessary as the Apostle, the prophet, the miracle and healing worker, and the administrative team. 

Therefore, whether miles apart or sitting next to each other sharing a meal, we are many parts that make up one body (1 Corinthians 12:14). We should be working together and not separately or against each other. For we are all graced for the people we have been called to reach.

The only thing we must remember as the Body of Christ is this, sometimes, we are the planter. The next go-round, we may be the one who waters, and another church might bring the sun, but God will always bring the increase (1 Corinthians 3:4-7). So, don’t compare yourself or feel like you have to compete with anyone, especially anyone in the Body of Christ. We are on the same team, going after the same dream of eternity.

When we realize we are all on the same team, regardless of denomination, the race of worshippers, the size of the congregation, or positions of leadership. When we function as the Body of Jesus Christ, the true church of Jesus Christ, the church, I know that was a lot, but I am trying to get you to understand the bigger picture. When we realize the aforementioned, we become an unstoppable force against the enemy, saving as many souls as we can.

Lastly, remember this, “there would not be a body if it were only one part” (1 Corinthians 12:19 GNT).

Be Encouraged!



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