Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

Stewardship Series

Stewardship Series

I hope you enjoyed last month’s series on U-N-I-T-Y! This month I want to talk about stewardship. By definition stewardship is “the conducting, supervising, or managing of something especially : the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care stewardship of natural resources”. (Merriam-Webster)

When you think of stewardship what comes to mind? For some people when one speaks of stewardship in a Christian setting, money and/or tithes comes to mind. Though, as we can see from the definition of stewardship, stewardship can be the careful care of many things we have been in trusted with.

So join me as we look at three areas in which we can be good stewards.

Until next week, stay encouraged, healthy, and safe! Oh and don’t forget to let someone know to:


Stewardship: Gifts & Talents

Stewardship: Gifts & Talents

We Are The Body

We Are The Body