Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

Silence of The Church

Silence of The Church

Happy Tuesday! I pray all is well! To be completely transparent, after traveling across the country, working on a curriculum, and studying for a mid-term, ya girl is tired! So, I didn’t post this week. Then, I thought about you and how you would want to hear something from me this week. Therefore, I decided to share an old spoken-word piece about the silence of the church. The piece was written in 2014, but it’s still quite relevant today. I hope you enjoy the spoken-word piece, and I’ll see you next week!


Why is the church so silent when Jesus can’t be spoken in schools, but vulgar language is a second language? Instead of praying our Father which art in Heaven, we take a moment of silence.

And then we wonder why our young die at the hands of a gun.

Why is the church so silent when there are broken and hungry people right in the midst of the hood your church is planted in? The homeless walk around every day, just waiting for you to show them Jesus

But we just look down upon them as if they are begging please feed us.

Why is the church so silent when they make a mockery of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by producing shows like Black Jesus, but will put up a fight to remove shows like Sorority Sisters because it doesn’t represent the reality of what sisterhood truly is.

The church is no longer concerned for souls, but who has the highest rating poles.

The church, the body, is more concerned with get rich quick scheme sermons, and how can you please me today Jesus requests or which congregation will get me seen and get me that promotion or better yet, what church has my Boaz sitting in it?

Where sin is no longer confronted, but tolerated. And then we have the nerve to wonder why the minister of music Satan himself is leading our worship.

The church is so silent that even the rocks are beginning to cry out.

Well, how do you know that Christina? Have you heard them? No, but I’m beginning to see them leak tears.

See the world is watching and waiting for the real Jesus freaks to please stand up. The ones suited for war. Ready to ride or die with Romans 1:16 truly tattooed on the tablets of their hearts.

The ones who live their lives as if they are truly second.

Instead of transforming, the church is conforming. Instead of reacting in faith the church is retracting with fear as if the church is the one inquiring whether or not God is really real.

My friends if you don’t understand anything I have written to you, I pray that you will understand this, we are a chosen generation. We were set apart to do our part. So we can no longer be silent, but be steadfast, unmovable, abounding in the work of the Lord. Because our labor is not in vain. And if we don’t the rocks…

They will no longer begin to leak tears, but they will surely cry out in the next few years.

Be Encouraged!

We Are The Body

We Are The Body

We're Together... But We're Not Together

We're Together... But We're Not Together