Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

The Widow’s Oil & God's Provision

The Widow’s Oil & God's Provision

Seasons of uncertainty can not only rattle our brains but shake our faith. Leaving us to question whether or not if God sees us? If He's still for us, even though it may seem like He is ignoring us? And no matter how saved and sanctified we are, His silence in seasons of uncertainty, at times, leaves us questioning, where is the God whose faithfulness lasts from generation to generation? (Psalm 119:90)

When I've experienced seasons of uncertainty, one of the things I've never lacked is God's provision. It's God's supernatural way of providing us with not so much of what we want, but more of what we need. It's the act of providing or in preparation for something. God's provision is not always monetary or materialistic. God's provision could be anything from directional wisdom to our spiritual growth and maturity.

This week I want to share a very encouraging story in which a woman faced a season of uncertainty upon the death of her husband. Journey with me to 2 Kings 4:1-7

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we learn of a woman whose husband has died. The death of her husband has, of course, left her a widow and the sole provider for her family. Unfortunately, in those times, the woman did not work to the extent of caring for a family financially. This put the widow in a bind as she was not able to pay the creditor, who was threatening to take her sons captive as slaves in exchange for not being able to pay her debt.

The widow's husband feared the Lord and was trained as a prophet in the company of the Prophet Elisha. Crying out to Elisha, the widow told him what was going on. Although, Elisha responded with a very interesting question, what do you have in the house? (2 Kings 4:2)

The widow voiced she had nothing, but a jar of oil. Now, we all know when we say nothing, but... that means whatever we say after but, we've given it minimal value. Some versions of the Bible say a small jar of oil, a little jar of oil, etc. Letting us know the jar of oil the woman had, had minimal value and was of minimal use to her in this season of uncertainty. So she thought.

But Elisha responded with faith. He didn't try to think of another plan. Elisha believed in the faithfulness and provision of God. Believing God would supply what the woman needed, Elisha told the widow to borrow empty vessels from all, not some, but all her neighbors.

After the widow collected the vessels, she went home and grabbed the small jar of oil, and began pouring the oil into the vessels. To the widow's amazement, the oil never ran out until she got to the last vessel.

"Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, "Go sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons live on the rest." (2 Kings 4:7)

How amazing is that? The widow was not sure if what she had, was going to be enough. Turns out what she had. was what she needed in her season of uncertainty. The Widow, like Elisha, just needed to trust and rely on the faithfulness of God. “For I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread” (Psalm 37:25).

God’s Faithfulness and Provision is Still Available:

Recently, last October, I was laid off and didn't have anything in my savings left over after my surgery last year. Fortunately, four months before I was laid off, the Lord told me to save $200 a month. I did not work for five months, but the $800 along with unemployment, and my one month's worth of severance, every bill was paid.

Honestly, I was not sure whether or not I would have enough money for groceries. Due to God's faithfulness and provision, my fridge and cabinets were never bare. By December, I had a surplus of food. I was even blessed with food by serving at a few funerals. Yes, Funerals. I served at a few funerals where servers were allowed to fix a plate or two or five. During this time, the Lord also taught me how to strategically, stretch the little food I had. Just in time for this season. Right?!

Speaking of this season, many people are experiencing the Supernatural provision of God, even if they are not believers. Businesses, churches, and organizations are providing people in need with; food, essential supplies, PPE (personal protective equipment - masks), and mental health assistance for FREE-99! If you or someone you know needs assistance there are resources in your area. You can also dial 211 to obtain information on how to gain access to resources.

God’s Provision Blesses Us to Bless Others:

Another encouraging piece about the widow's oil is the little jar she had not only blessed her and her family, but it blessed others (2 Kings 4:7) What do you have in your home? What gifts, skills, and talents can you use to bless others? I have heard several stories during this season of uncertainty and how people have used their hobbies, passions, and genuine love for others to bless those near and far.

Companies have changed their whole production line to produce products for health care facilities and the general population. While companies have furloughed a few of their employees, other companies have added additional departments and increased their staffing capacity to provide financial means to those in need. It’s incredible how seasons of uncertainty bring out the best in us. Allowing us to see the faithfulness of God and His provision as we use what we have to bless others.

As you find yourself in seasons of uncertainty questioning God's faithfulness and provision, I want you to trust in the faithfulness of God. It may be hard to see, but He is faithful and will supply what you need. Trust and believe He will multiply the little you have to not only bless you but use you as His hands and feet to bless others.

Until next time, I pray you will not worry saying "what shall we eat? or what shall we drink? or what shall we wear?". The people who do not know you Father or how you operate ask these things. But we know how you operate. For you know what we need. I pray you will "first, seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:31-33).

I pray you will give your attention to what He is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (Matthew 6:34 MSG) In Jesus' name Amen!

Be Encouraged!

The Promised Land: Perspective

The Promised Land: Perspective

Seasons of Uncertainty

Seasons of Uncertainty