Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

The Promised Land: Perspective

The Promised Land: Perspective

In seasons of uncertainty, we sometimes tend to focus on the bad instead of the good, blinding us from the bigger picture, altering our perspective.

Journey with me to the book of Numbers, to chapters 13 and 14. In Numbers 13, Moses sends out twelve spies, one from each Israelite tribe to spy out the land of Canaan, also known as the Promised Land (Numbers 13:1-2). The spies were to "see what the land is like; whether the people who dwell in it are strong or weak, few or many; whether the land they dwell in is good or bad; whether the cities they inhabit are like camps or strongholds; whether the land is rich or poor and whether there are forests there or not." (Numbers 13:18-20).

In verse 26-29, the 12 spies returned to give their report of the Promised Land. The land flowed with milk and honey. The land produced large portions of fruit. The land was amazing, but the Promised Land was full of strong people. The cities were fortified and strong, and all the "Ites", whom the Israelites would have to defeat to take possession of the land, dwelled there. 

Courageous Caleb, one of the 12 spies, interjected and proclaimed they could overcome the obstacles presented and take possession of the land. Although, those who traveled with him begged the difference. They saw the obstacles and felt defeated by what they saw. They professed "the land through which we have gone as spies is the land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. There we saw the giants (the “Ites”); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight." (Numbers 13:30-33).

As we read on, we learn the people moaned and groaned at the report of the spies. The people complained to Moses and asked why God would deliver us only to kill us, to make us victims. We want to return to Egypt from whence the Lord delivered us. Almost to say, we were better off in a season of knowing, but we can't handle the unknown. We don't know what's on the other side of this, and from what we have heard, it doesn't look promising (Numbers 14: 1-4).

But once again, someone from the group of spies, like Caleb, saw things differently. His name was Joshua, a man of strategy and war and later became Moses' successor. Joshua proclaimed the Israelites could take possession of the land, for the Lord God promised them the land of Canaan. He urged them not to fear the people of the land for their protection had departed (Numbers 14:6-9).

Due to the Israelites unbelief and rejection of God and His promise, this generation of Israelites with, the exception of Caleb and Joshua, died before being able to see the Promised Land (Numbers 14:11-38). Whenever I study this story, I am reminded our perspective at times, could be the very thing that hinders us from entering the Promised Land. In seasons of uncertainty we must choose to take the perspective of Caleb and Joshua.

The Caleb and Joshua Perspective

In our current season of uncertainty, we too are receiving negative reports from the “10 spies”. Some of us have listened to the news all day, and it has stressed us to the max. People are so desperate for a cure, they have taken ill advice to inject harmful chemicals or consume dangerous medications, if not taken properly, to protect them from COVID-19. People are marching at state capitals begging to open up the city regardless of the harm it may cause. Some have taken their lives because they are overwhelmed or can’t bear to hold on anymore. We low key sound like the Israelite Congregation. We must shift our perspective from fear to conquerors, because the Promised Land is still accessible.  

Look beyond what you see…

Caleb and Joshua saw the giants, they saw the obstacles before them, but they decided to look at the bigger picture and all the Promised Land would provide. I’m not saying ignore the reality we are living in, but I am saying see what’s before you and don’t be moved by it. Focus on the big picture. What is the big picture? Seek the Lord and see what He may want you to focus on during this time. He may have you start a business or create something the world needs. You never know what opportunities will be available after all of this, but the key is to be ready by looking at the bigger picture.

Confidence in God…

Another perspective Caleb and Joshua had was their confidence in God and their belief in His promise to give the Israelites the Promised Land. Caleb and Joshua believed they could conquer their season of uncertainty because they knew the Lord would be with them. I am not sure about you, but knowing the creator of the universe, the God that can make the sun and moon stand still so the Israelites could avenge their enemies (Joshua 10:12-14) is going to go with me, gives me the courage to face uncertain seasons with the strength to persevere. For with God, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37).

We must face every day with courage…

When we are faced with seasons of uncertainty, like Caleb and Joshua, we must face them with courage. We may not know what the outcome maybe, but we must approach the season with the courage and belief that we can conquer the season at hand. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.", and I agree. Our futures are more important than our fear, and we must have the courage to fight for it. So if that means staying inside or walking around with a mask and a pair of gloves, then I will courageously suit up every day, to not only protect my legacy but the legacy of others.

When we take on the perspective of Caleb and Joshua, we will be able to see and experience the Promised Land. So in seasons of uncertainty, keep looking past what you see, approach every day with courage, and have confidence in knowing God is with you every step of the way.

Until next week, stay encouraged, stay healthy, and stay safe!




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