Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

Seasons of Uncertainty

Seasons of Uncertainty

Hello everyone! I pray you are staying healthy and safe! I pray last month's series, The Passion Series, blessed you in many ways. I pray your heart has been renewed and refreshed by the Passionate love Jesus has for you. Knowing no sin is ever too great for the blood of Jesus to atone.

This month's series will focus on the seasons of uncertainty and the faithfulness of God. We are living in a season where the unknown has shaken the faith of some and has left others questioning the goodness of God.

This month, I want to encourage you by sharing a few stories and testimonies where circumstances painted an uncertain future, but God's faithfulness painted a certain future.

Until next week, I want to challenge you to start journaling every evening, about five things God has done for you each day. These things can be as simple as, I still have a roof over my head, I still have food in the fridge, I still have breath in my lungs, etc. As you begin to journal every evening, you will see where God has been faithful in the midst of uncertainty.

Be Encouraged!

The Widow’s Oil & God's Provision

The Widow’s Oil & God's Provision