Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

The 3 Peeps You Need In Your Life

The 3 Peeps You Need In Your Life

There are three levels of relationships we need in our lives to help us grow and mature as Christians. Having a Naomi, Elizabeth, and Timothy simultaneously, are a great benefit to our journey as Christians. In this week's post, I will identify each level of relationship and why each level is important.

Naomi – The Spiritual Parent

In the first chapter of Ruth, we are introduced to two women, Naomi and Ruth (Ruth 1: 1-22). While both women experienced great loss in a difficult season, instead of returning home, Ruth chose to give up everything she knew to not only follow Naomi but to worship Naomi’s God (The Lord our God). 

Every time I study the book of Ruth, I can’t help but ask, what was it about Naomi and her life that made Ruth want to turn away from her old life to follow Naomi and worship her God? I imagine Naomi’s love, faith, and devotion for the Lord must have had a profound effect on Ruth.

Do you have someone in your life you watch or admire their relationship with God? I don’t mean a celebrity or someone well known. I’m talking about someone you see often, not just a family member, but someone you are close to. A person more experienced and seasoned in their relationship and walk with God. One who would not mind taking you under their wing to mentor and do life with you (1 Thessalonians 2:8), like a spiritual parent or spiritual guardian.

Naomis are essential because they help provide a present example of how to live out our Christian faith (1 Corinthians 11:1). Naomis invest in our spiritual health and provide spiritual accountability through discipleship. They are a safe and trusted place. They serve as great listeners, able to give wise counsel, correcting with grace and truth when needed. Able to call out things you cannot see, giving solutions, strategy, and directions on how to move forward. They pray for you and help usher you into your destiny, your purpose. God’s will for your life.

Naomi can be a man or woman, but I would advise having at least one Naomi the same gender as you. I’m not against males mentoring females, because I have both female and male Naomis. Having a Naomi of the same gender as you, allows them to accurately relate with some of the gender-specific issues you may face.

Elizabeth – The Best Friend

The next level of relationship essential to your growth and development on this journey is Elizabeth. Elizabeth, the mother of John The Baptist, was Mary's (the Mother of Jesus) cousin and good friend (Luke 1:1-56). From studying the interaction between Elizabeth and Mary in the book of Luke, I believe Elizabeth and Mary were not just cousins, but the best of friends.

Though many years separated them in age, Mary and Elizabeth were close. Elizabeth may have been the only person Mary was close to besides Joseph as we do not read about any other family member or friend Mary had an encounter with at such an intimate level.

Elizabeths are walking in the same spiritual direction as you. You may even have mutual struggles or have faced similar challenges able to minister to one another in different seasons (1 Corinthians 15:33). You are growing together (Proverbs 27:17), but able to challenge one another (Proverbs 27:5-6). They are your “Day 1’s, Ride or Dies, or prayer partners”. They are someone you can call on and will support you when you are winning or losing. You can trust them with your deepest secrets and confessions with no judgment but met with accountability, encouragement, and grace. (Proverbs 13:20). They are committed, honest, and integral in their friendship with you. 

Our Elizabeth can be male or female as I have both male and female Elizabeths. I caution if you have an Elizabeth of the opposite gender, you want to make sure you set agreeable boundaries to keep from crossing territory that could destroy the friendship and the pure love you have for one another.

Timothy – The Mentee              

Timothy was a young man the Apostle Paul took under his wing as a disciple in ministry and later became one of Paul’s companions as Paul continued to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles (1 Timothy 1:2).

Timothys are usually someone you are discipling and helping to build the foundation of their faith and relationship with God. They may be someone who does not know of Jesus Christ or be a believer, but you are in the process of leading them to Jesus Christ.

Timothys are important because they are the people who are learning and gleaning from us. These are the people we are mentoring or leading. Timothys look up to us as we bear witness to Jesus Christ. (2 Timothy 1:13-14). The Timothy’s in my life have served as a measurement to how I have grown in a particular area based on the wisdom and guidance I may provide them in a similar situation they may be facing.

Timothys help us grow in our faith, so we may be equipped to lead them (2 Timothy 2:1-7). The one thing to remember about Timothys is, we are not responsible for saving them (Jesus saves), but we are to watch over them, disciple them, and walk with them as they grow and develop in their faith as Christians (Proverbs 27:23).

I pray, after reading this week’s post, you are reviewing your relationships and have identified the people in your life who meet these three levels of relationships. I know there is much more content to share on the three types of relationships but wanted to give a brief description of each level. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by clicking the contact button below.

I pray the Lord will reveal the levels of each of your relationships, so you can continue to grow and mature into the man or woman of God you are destined to be.

Be Encouraged!

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Loving Ourselves: 3 Ways To Love Yourself Better

Love Letters Series

Love Letters Series