Discover G.R.A.C.E. & Apply,
Prior to studying scripture always pray.
First read the scripture(s) and/ or passage and take note of the following:
Who – Who is the author? Who are the main characters? Who are the scriptures addressing? (i.e. men, women, children, young, old, everyone).
What – What is happening? What is taking place? What is the scripture talking about or referring to? Are the scriptures talking about a certain event? Is it a metaphor or a parable?
When – When does this take place? What is the season or time-frame?
Where – Where does this take place? What city are they in? Are they traveling on the road?
Why – Why are these scriptures important to know? What does the Lord want us to know or understand by reading these scriptures?
G – Gather information
When gathering information you want to focus on the details of the scripture(s) and or passage, such as repetitive words, words used to compare and contrast, and transitional words. Gather information on the context and cultural context of the scripture(s) and/or passage. Gather information on the time of day, days, months, weeks, years, time-frames, etc.
Moreover, when studying, it is helpful to have a biblical concordance and a dictionary on hand to look up and define unknown words or phrases within the scripture(s) and/or passage.
R – Reread the scripture(s) and/or passage
Re-reading the scripture(s) and/or passage along with the information you have gathered will further help you interpret the scripture(s) and/or passage.
A – Above and Below
As you re-read, read the scripture(s) and/or passage that proceed and follow the one you are studying.
C- Compare
Compare similar scriptures and/or passages with other versions of the Bible. In addition, you may want to invest in a biblical commentary to further understand the scripture(s) and/or passage.
E- Examine to interpret
When interpreting the text use the information you have discovered, gathered, and compared to help interpret what the Lord is saying in the scripture(s) and/or passage you are studying.
Apply the scripture(s) and/or passage.
Meditate on what you studied. Ask God, how does this apply to today? How can I apply this to my life? How can I bless others through application? How can I reflect Christ through applying these scriptures and/or passage?
Are there rules, warnings, blessings, directions, etc to follow? Is there anything to pray or decree and declare over my life?