Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

Growth Series

Growth Series

I don’t know about you, but I am thrilled to see 2020! Get it? See 20/20? Haha, I crack myself up! No, seriously, I am excited to see what this year beholds! This month's series will focus on growing and developing our personal relationship with God.

At the beginning of each year, some people make resolutions. Resolutions may consist of financial and health-related goals, pacts with friends. People may challenge themselves to say “yes” or "no" to everything, create boundaries, or promise to improve their work-life balance. Whatever resolutions you made this year, put them aside. At least, for a month to start working on your personal relationship with God. Working on your relationship with God at the beginning of the year can set you up for a successful 2020!

As there are many different ways to grow and develop in our personal relationship with God, this series will discuss two biblical ways to grow in our relationship. As well as two additional methods I use to grow and develop in my personal relationship with God.

Please understand personal growth is not immediate. Nor can we achieve growth in one month. Well, maybe financially or physically, but growth from a spiritual perspective takes time. Growing in your personal relationship with God can not be rushed but intentionally sought after.

Week one of this series will be posted Monday, January 6th. If you need a reminder, click on the subscribe tab below.

I am looking forward to growing with you this month. Have a blessed weekend and a growthful New Year!

Resources to Learn More About Prayer