Each post is aimed to get you thinking, inspire you to step out on faith and be encouraged to change the world around you by being the example we need.

The Passion Series

The Passion Series

Hello Everyone! I pray you are taking the necessary, precautionary, measures for COVID-19 (Coronavirus or Rona). Despite what’s going on in the world, I am truly excited for this series. Why? Because we are going to talk about my hero, Jesus Christ!

In this series we will take a look at four ways in which Jesus exemplified His Passion for mankind. I don’t want to say too much, because I might give the weekly topics away.

So, while we await the posting of week one, I invite you to join me in praying a few prayer points (regarding the Coronavirus) I've been focusing on, since the outbreak in China:

  • I pray the virus does not mutate.

  • I pray a cure and vaccine are found soon. I pray the people who have been diagnosed with the virus will be healed.

  • I pray for the protection of those who do not have good healthcare insurance, access to healthcare, the homeless and the most vulnerable.

  • I pray for miracles, signs, and wonders to come from this.

  • I pray God will be glorified. I pray people will begin to turn to Jesus not just for prayer, but for salvation as well.

  • I pray we (the people) will use wisdom in all matters.

  • I pray against fear, anxiety, panic, worry, and chaos.

  • I pray for those on the front lines (Nurses, Nurse Aides, Nurse Practitioners, Doctors, Emergency responders, Scientist and Chemists, the CDC, the WHO, Government officials who have to make decisions, etc.)

Thank you for joining me in praying the prayer points for the Coronovirus. Until next week, stay healthy, practice social distancing (🗣 Shout out to the introverts!), and wash your hands.

It Started & Ended In A Garden

It Started & Ended In A Garden

The Pursuit

The Pursuit